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Adrian Nastase
Alfred Steinherr
Amadou Toumani Touré
Anton Zeilinger
Antonio Vittorino
Arnaud Danjean
Bertie Ahern
Bruno Colmant
Carlo Thelen
Cem Özdemir
Danny Alexander
Désirée Van Boxtel
Edmond Israel
Etienne de Lhoneux
Euclid Tsakalotos
Francis Carpenter
François Villeroy de Galhau
Frederica Mogherini
Gaston Reinesch
Georg Helg
Gil Carlos Rodrigues Iglesias
Gunnar Lund
Günther Hermann Oettinger
Günther Verheugen
Hans Joachim Schellnhuber
Hans-Gert Poettering
Hans-Gert Pöttering
Ioan Mircea Paşcu
Jacques Barrot
Jacques Diouf
Ján Figel
Jan O. Karlsson
Janez Potočnik
Jean Tirole
Jean-Claude Juncker
Jean-Claude TRICHET
Jean-François Rischard
Jean-Louis Biancarelli
Jean-Louis Schiltz
Jean-Victor Louis
Jeroen Dijsselbloem
Jochen Klucken
Johnny Åkerholm
Joschka Fischer
Juan Manuel Fabra Vallés
Julian Priestley
Karl-Heinz Lambertz
Katharien L.C. Hunt
Kenneth Rogoff
Klaus Regling
Klaus-Heiner Lehne
Lars Heikensten
Laura Kovesi
Luc Frieden
Lucas Papademos
Máire Geoghegan-Quinn
Manolis Mavrommatis
Marc Lemaître
Marcel Zadi Kessy
Mario Centeno
Mario Monti
Martin Bailey
Martine Reicherts
Michael Berry
Michael Palmer
Michael Sohlman
Michel Goedert
Mireille Delmas-Marty
Nobuo Tanaka
Otmar Issing
Paolo Mengozzi
Paschal Donohoe
Pat Cox
Philippe Maystadt
Pierre Gramegna
Richard Pelly
Robert Goebbels
Rolf Tarrach
Štefan Füle
Thomas L. Cranfield
Tim Lankester
Timothy Radcliffe
Vaclav Klaus
Vassilios Skouris
Vítor Manuel da Silva Caldeira
Viviane Reding
Walter Hagg
Werner Hoyer
Wolfgang Ketterle
Yasser Abed Rabbo
Yossi Beillin
Yves Mersch
Alphabetical order
“New forms of matter near absolute zero temperature” (14/11/2017)
« Le Plan d’action sur le socle européen des droits sociaux: une nouvelle étape vers une Europe sociale plus forte» (31/03/2021)
« Vingt ans après l’Euro, quelles perspectives économiques pour l’Europe ? » (10/01/2019)
10.06.21 – The ITER project – a decisive step toward the availability of fusion energy during this century (10/06/2021)
A world without oil? (13/04/2011)
Afrique – Europe : quel partenariat ? (10/11/2005)
Brexit: what would this mean for Britain and Europe? (15/09/2015)
China and the New Global Balance (18/05/2021)
Cross Border Regions, neglected nucleus of the European Union? (13/12/2022)
Decision making in the information driven society (26/01/2015)
Der Karlspreis und ich – Bericht eines Zeitzeugen von den ersten Anfängen bis heute (29/10/2019)
Digital Transformation in medicine: Implications for patients, professionals and researchers (09/12/2021)
Diplomacy and Power in a Technological Age (10/03/2022)
EMU architecture and the future of risk sharing in Europe (21/09/2017)
Energy Union: time for Europe to deliver (08/06/2015)
ESM Conference: How to deepen Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union further ? (24/01/2022)
EU Enlargement – state of play and prospects (26/06/2001)
EU foreign policy – highs and lows! Lessons from the past (02/03/2021)
European integration at the beginning of the new millennium (08/02/2000)
Evolution of tax regimes (26/06/2018)
Financing SMEs (23/01/2003)
Financing the Information Society- the role of the European Investment Bank (18/01/2001)
Forum – CEPROS “Einstein’s Veil – Science and a new global vision” (24/05/2004)
Forum – CEPROS “High Noon, Twenty Global Problemes, Twenty Years to Solve Them” (21/10/2002)
Future financing of the EU: time for change ? (28/02/2017)
Gestion d’entreprise en Afrique (13/03/2013)
Globalisation: how to manage it ? (22/01/2008)
Higher Education in Europe: can we be equal and excellent too? (28/09/2005)
Immigration and Integration in Europe (07/06/2012)
Incidence de la globalisation sur la réglementation communautaire de l’économie (08/10/2008)
Innovation and Competitiveness in Europe (06/10/2011)
Institutional reform of the European Union (10/10/2000)
L’espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice : défis et enjeux pour l’Union (24/10/2002)
L’économie alimentaire dans le monde d’aujourd’hui (09/04/2009)
L’Union économique et monétaire 40 ans après le Rapport Werner (08/09/2010)
La politique des transports dans l’Union européenne (12/10/2006)
La réforme de l’Union européenne (09/04/2001)
La Roumanie et l’Union européenne (08/10/2003)
Le Luxembourg et l’Union économique et monétaire (25/03/2015)
Libres propos sur le rôle de la Cour de Justice de l’Union européenne (29/06/2023)
Lies, damned lies… can statistics contribute to good economic governance in Europe? (23/01/2002)
Multilingualism in Europe (15/06/2006)
Optica fantastica: Images to illuminate the physics of light (17/05/2018)
Peace in the Middle East (29/04/2004)
Private / Public Partnerships (20/01/2005)
Quel avenir pour l’euro ? (20/03/2003)
Quel futur pour l’Europe ? (24/05/2013)
Recovering from the crisis : Macroeconomic versus Real economy and social dimensions (28/09/2016)
Research Policy in the European Union (25/04/2007)
Some doubts about the EU’s ever-closer future (08/03/2006)
Surviving the Pyrocene: Why two degrees matter? Perspectives on climate change (30/01/2019)
The AIIB and cooperation between Europe and Asia (04/07/2019)
The challenge of belief in God today (29/11/2007)
The Economic and Monetary Union – Past, present and future (04/10/2022)
The Economic and Monetary Union by stages (06/10/2020)
The EPPO: a new EU judicial institution? (27/06/2024)
The ESM after 5 years: Successes, challenges and perspectives (30/11/2017)
The EU and Russia – Ukraine, a border or a bridge? (08/05/2014)
The European Court of Auditors, advocate of the tax payer (18/06/2018)
The European perspective: values, politics, the economy (12/03/2009)
The European Union and the Western Balkans – Enlargement: ambitions versus realities? (23/04/2024)
The evolution of Europe’s financial response to challenges: what should come next? (10/07/2024)
The future of European Defence (24/09/2013)
The Future of the European Union (22/03/2022)
The Intergovernmental Conference and the Irish Presidency (16/10/2003)
The Investment Plan for Europe (27/10/2015)
Towards a European Banking Union (30/09/2013)
Towards EMU 2.0: Hindsight and Prospects (04/10/2023)
Understanding neurodegenerative diseases (15/11/2018)
Upholding Union values in times of societal change: the role of the Court of Justice of the European Union (16/01/2014)
Which Energy Policy for Europe (02/07/2012)
Lies, damned lies… can statistics contribute to good economic governance i...
EU Enlargement – state of play and prospects
La réforme de l’Union européenne
Financing the Information Society- the role of the European Investment Bank
Institutional reform of the European Union
European integration at the beginning of the new millennium