The evolution of Europe’s financial response to challenges: what should come next?

As the venue is fully booked,

only VIRTUAL registration is still POSSIBLE.

The Bridge Forum Dialogue

in partnership with

The University of Luxembourg (UL)

Europe Direct at the University of Luxembourg (ED-UNILU)

Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH)

the European Stability Mechanism (ESM)

the European Parliament (EP)


the Robert Triffin International Foundation (RTI)

have the pleasure of inviting you

on Wednesday 10 July 2024 from 18.00 to 20.00

to the Robert Triffin Lecture 2024 on

The evolution of Europe’s financial response to challenges: what should come next?


Keynote speaker

Mr Pierre Gramegna

Managing Director of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM)
CEO of the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF)
Former Minister of Finance (2013-2022)
Vice-President of the Bridge Forum Dialogue

Welcome and introductory remarks

Mr Christoph Schroeder

Head of the Liaison Office of the European Parliament in Luxembourg

Prof. Dr Jens Kreisel

Rector of the University of Luxembourg
Member of the Board of Directors of the Bridge Forum Dialogue

Dr Elena Danescu

Research Scientist at the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH)
Coordinator of the Europe Direct at the University of Luxembourg

Concluding remarks

Prof. Dr Bernard Snoy

Chairman of Robert Triffin International
Honorary Chairman of the European League for Economic Cooperation (ELEC)
Former Executive Director of the World Bank

Q&A session moderated by

Prof. Dr Fabio Masini

Professor at Roma Tre University (Italy)
Secretary General of Robert Triffin International

A reception will take place afterwards

REGISTRATION at the latest 5 July 2024

 This conference shall be held in a hybrid format.

Please mention on the registration form

If you will attend the event “virtually” or “in person”

VIRTUALLY: A few days before the event,

the streaming link will be sent to the registered participants


As the venue is fully booked, only VIRTUAL registration is still POSSIBLE.


IN PERSON: Venue, within the LIMITS of available seats and

subject to the security rules of the European Parliament

 Europa Experience, Adenauer Building
17, avenue John F. Kennedy – 1499 Kirchberg Luxembourg
Tram stop: Parlement européen

Participants who do NOT have an access BADGE to the

European Institutions premises

are required to ALSO REGISTER via the following link

in order to have ACCESS to the Europa Experience building

Photo gallery

Registration Form

Register on our website to be informed of our future events.

Privacy and Data Protection Policy

Registrants agree that all personal data provided will be processed to the benefit of The Bridge – Forum Dialogue a.s.b.l. (hereafter, the ‘BFD’ or the ‘Association”), in accordance with the applicable Data Protection Law, notably Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (‘GDPR’).

The BFD is the controller for the processing of personal data related to the present registration form. The Secretariat of the Association is in charge of the unit entrusted with the processing.

The data will be used for the organisation of activities, such as events, conferences, seminars and other gatherings organised by or in cooperation with the BFD, as well as for contact management.

The recipients of these personal data will be the personnel of the above-mentioned Secretariat who organises the conferences, the other entities or staff involved in event and contact management, as well as any other entity or staff in charge of related services, including the processing of access badges, identity and security checks.

The data will be secured. It will be stored for only as long as it is necessary.

Participants agree to have their photographs taken by the photographer of the BFD during the conference for reporting purposes, including display on the website of the Association. They further agree that the BFD may make recordings of questions or interventions in audio and/or video format.

The BFD is committed to ensure the full respect of the privacy and individual rights of all registrants and participants to its conferences (e.g. right to access, rectify, delete personal data). For this purpose, it has also appointed on a voluntary basis a Data Protection Officer (DPO) (, within the Secretariat of the BFD, at the Banque centrale du Luxembourg (2, boulevard Royal, L-2983 Luxembourg).