As the venue is fully booked,
only VIRTUAL registration is still POSSIBLE.
The Bridge Forum Dialogue
in partnership with
The University of Luxembourg (UL)
Europe Direct at the University of Luxembourg (ED-UNILU)
Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH)
the European Stability Mechanism (ESM)
the European Parliament (EP)
the Robert Triffin International Foundation (RTI)
have the pleasure of inviting you
on Wednesday 10 July 2024 from 18.00 to 20.00
to the Robert Triffin Lecture 2024 on
The evolution of Europe’s financial response to challenges: what should come next?
Keynote speaker
Managing Director of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM)
CEO of the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF)
Former Minister of Finance (2013-2022)
Vice-President of the Bridge Forum Dialogue
Welcome and introductory remarks
Head of the Liaison Office of the European Parliament in Luxembourg
Rector of the University of Luxembourg
Member of the Board of Directors of the Bridge Forum Dialogue
Research Scientist at the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH)
Coordinator of the Europe Direct at the University of Luxembourg
Concluding remarks
Chairman of Robert Triffin International
Honorary Chairman of the European League for Economic Cooperation (ELEC)
Former Executive Director of the World Bank
Q&A session moderated by
Professor at Roma Tre University (Italy)
Secretary General of Robert Triffin International
A reception will take place afterwards
REGISTRATION at the latest 5 July 2024
This conference shall be held in a hybrid format.
Please mention on the registration form
If you will attend the event “virtually” or “in person”
Streaming link:
As the venue is fully booked, only VIRTUAL registration is still POSSIBLE.
IN PERSON: Venue, within the LIMITS of available seats and
subject to the security rules of the European Parliament
Europa Experience, Adenauer Building
17, avenue John F. Kennedy – 1499 Kirchberg Luxembourg
Tram stop: Parlement européen
Participants who do NOT have an access BADGE to the
European Institutions premises
are required to ALSO REGISTER via the following link
in order to have ACCESS to the Europa Experience building
Photo gallery
Record video