The Bridge Forum Dialogue is a non-profit organisation established in Luxembourg, which serves as a platform for interdisciplinary debates. It aims at linking, on the one side, the European institutions established in Luxembourg and, on the other side, the actors and institutions of Luxembourg financial, economic and legal life. This new network for information and cooperation organises meetings on subjects, which give the different participants a framework allowing them to put their skills and abilities to the best use. The Forum also provides an appropriate framework for cultural and social activities.
The President of the Board of Directors is Mr. Gaston REINESCH, Governor of the Banque centrale du Luxembourg; the Vice-Presidents are Mr. Koen LENAERTS, President of the European Court of Justice, Mr. Tony MURPHY, President of the European Court of Auditors, Ms. Nadia CALVIÑO, President of the European Investment Bank and Mr. Pierre GRAMEGNA, Managing Director of the European Stability Mechanism.
The Directors are (in alphabetical order): Ms Marjut FALKSTEDT, Chief Executive of the European Investment Fund, Ms Hilde HARDEMAN, Director General of the Publications Office of the European Union, Ms. Mariana KOTZEVA, Director General of Eurostat and Prof. Jens KREISEL, Rector of the University of Luxembourg.
The External Auditor of the association, Mr. Arünas Juozulynas of the European Court of Auditors, has been appointed since 2014 by the General Assembly of the Bridge Forum Dialogue, on the proposal of the President of the European Court of Auditors.
For any additional information concerning the Forum you may contact the Executive Committee in charge of the day-to-day administration, whose secretariat is based at the Central Bank of Luxembourg.