Energy Union: time for Europe to deliver

The Bridge Forum Dialogue a.s.b.l. has the honour to invite you
on Monday 8 June 2015 at 6:00 p.m.

to a conference

“Energy Union: time for Europe to deliver”

under the chairmanship of

Mr. Vítor Manuel da Silva Caldeira
President of the European Court of Auditors
Vice-President of the association The Bridge Forum Dialogue

The speaker will be

Vice-President of the European Commission

The speech will be followed by a question-and-answer session

The conference will be held at the European Parliament, Schuman Building, 1st floor, Hemicycle Place de l’Europe, L-2929 Luxembourg, Kirchberg

Buses from central station: 1, 16, from city centre: 1, 16, from airport: 16, bus stop: “Philarmonie” Nearest public parking: “Les trois Glands”

The conference will be followed by a reception as from 8:00 p.m.

IMPORTANT: for security reasons, the participants shall present either their badge from a European Institution or their identity card / passport to access the Hemicycle

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